
Plastic Hinges

In the Navigator category 'Approvals' you can use the entry Plastic hinges to specify whether the plastic criteria should be displayed at the member end hinges. This allows you to graphically check the plasticizations for each load level.

The plasticity states of the Member end hinge are symbolized by a large circle with a fill color that corresponds to the color assignments of the diagram or the acceptance criteria.

Diagram Zone

The colors of the hinge symbols indicate the plasticity range in which the deformations and internal forces of a member end hinge lie. They correspond to the criteria of the diagrams that you have defined for joints of the type #plasticDiagramUXTab Plastic .

Acceptance Criteria

The colors of the joint symbols correspond to those of the areas with the safety criteria that apply to joints of the type #plasticDiagramUXTab Plastic . For example, they are regulated in [1 ] Table 5-5.

  1. FEMA 356: Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings. (2000). Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington D.C.
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