
Specifications for calculation

If you have updated the Base Data in the model, the additional folder Stress-Strain Analysis is available in the Navigator - Data.

The objects of the Stress-Strain Analysis category can also be accessed in the table. Select the 'Stress-strain analysis' in the list to manage the input data for the analysis in a clearly arranged form.

The tables and input dialog boxes of this category are described in detail in the Stress-Strain Analysis chapter. These tables and objects are also the basis of the documentation that you can prepare in the printout report. The options available for this are described in Chapter Documentation.

Further settings for the analysis can be defined in some input dialog boxes of the main program. For example, you can use members or member sets for the analysis, or define line welded joints for a later calculation. You can find an explanation of the important entries that are not included in the category 'Stress-Strain Analysis' in the Options for Stress-Strain section calculation.