
Snow Load on Elevated Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems on Roofs up to 10° Inclination

In the existing standard, there were no regulations for the distribution of snow loads for elevated solar thermal and photovoltaic systems on roofs. Only distribution of the loads was advised. It was only with the National Annex DIN EN 1991-1-3/NA: 2019-04 that specific regulations were made for this.

The standard refers to solar thermal and photovoltaic systems arranged in a row for roof inclinations up to 10°.

The following shape coefficient may be assumed for installations with a maximum height of 0.5 m.

This means that if the result from γ ⋅ (h/sk) is smaller than 𝜇1 or 𝜇2, 𝜇5 corresponds at least to the magnitude of 𝜇1 or 𝜇2. This is usually the case for relatively flat structures. However, if the result from γ ⋅ (h/sk) is greater than 1.0, a value of 1.0 is to be applied for 𝜇5.
For systems with a height of more than 0.5 m, the shape coefficient is increased by 10%. The weight of the snow is assumed to be γ = 2 kN/m³.

In the case of an accidental action (North German Plain), the following assumption applies.

The drift length ls determines the area in which the increased load must be taken into account. You have to consider it for the dimensions of the coverable area in length and width, and it is composed as follows.

ls = l1 + 2 ⋅ h

Consideration in RFEM and RSTAB

In RFEM and RSTAB, the easiest way to apply the resulting snow load is to use the load generator for snow loads. Additionally, the area in which the increased load is to be taken into account must be determined using the drift length formula. The missing load in the area of the elevated solar thermal and photovoltaic systems can be supplemented, for example, with the "Member Loads from Area Loads via Plane" load generator.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.

  1. Nationaler Anhang - National festgelegte Parameter - Eurocode 1: Einwirkungen auf Tragwerke - Teil 1-3: Allgemeine Einwirkungen - Schneelasten; DIN EN 1991-1-3/NA:2019-04